Office Hours


Come get your ESN card, overalls, sim card and ask any questions you might have related to ESN! 

Every Monday from 12 to 13 

In Guidance Corner (ground floor) in Helsinki University Main Library (Fabianinkatu 30)

ESN Card 

Remember that for activating your ESN Card you will need a passport-sized photo of yourself! You can print it either in the library or at any photo booth in Helsinki. The nearest is at the University of Helsinki metro station. 

For more info please see page ESN Membership

If you are unable to pick up your physical ESN Card or Overalls during Office Hours please contact us! It is possible to get them at some of our events but only if agreed in advance! 


Wearing student overalls (opiskelijahaalarit) is a very big tradition among students in Finland. One could say that the official party outfit for Finnish students is the overall. They represent you and your fellow students as a collective, especially since every study field has its own overall colour and/or design.  Fill them with patches that you can get from events. ESN Uni Helsinki's overall colour for the academic year 2024-2025 is purple.  

You can purchase overalls HERE

Wearing overalls and other rules 

Many student organizations, associations, and guilds have their own rules when it comes to wearing or using overalls. At ESN Uni Helsinki, we follow just a few general rules which are: 

Usually, we wear overalls by tying the sleeves at the waist, but you can also put them on completely.